The CNS hosts annual conferences in different parts of Ontario. This conference spotlight was held in Gatineau, Quebec at the tail end of the pandemic and required robust access solutions for their growing audience. The event was a busy live conference, with a hybrid component and also recorded for a paywall.

  • A Road Worthy AV Team
    We’ve been working in venues from coast to coast, servicing our regular clients for all their annual, quarterly & monthly conference events. The CNS benefits from our ‘design once and repeat’ approach that saves them time, money and anxiety that comes from working with a new team every time. It takes a great team to put on a great event and great teams are built over time.

  • Hybrid Event
    Let’s be honest.. A hybrid event isn’t a simple add-on to a conference, it’s a separate conference that requires a lot of attention. Having said that, it’s a great way to build your attendee list and offer what you have to a global audience. You’ve already planned an event, spent on marketing, have your venue, speakers and AV team, why not leverage all of that to grow your reach and generate revenue? We’ve been working with the CNS for over 5 years and the addition of the hybrid component is now something we both see as a simple add-on. The systems are in place and we all know what to expect.

  • Recording Solution on Budget
    Our main conference recording rig is a 3-camera system, all remote controlled that records all cameras and presentation program at once. We can layout the recording so it requires little to no editing. This means our clients pay less for a multi-camera, polished recording. The CNS utilizes our recording service to provide more value to their attendees, past, present and future.

Canadian Nutrition Society


Vancouver Convention Centre


Canadian Mental Health Association