Hybrid Conference Solutions

Need to get your Conference online?
Our team has the perfect solution for you. Start to Finish Virtual and On-site Services.

We’ve been using ZOOM, Webex and Teams to broadcast conferences since 2008. Whether you simply have a virtual presenter or a mixed boat of virtual & live attendees and presenters, we have it covered.

One Solution

Lost in an endless world of options?
Your virtual event planning experience shouldn't feel like you’re spinning in space! Our team will help you pull together all the pieces, choose the right tools and execute a polished event experience for your attendees.

Virtual Presenters & Attendees

Virtual Presenters Only

Whether you’re expanding your conference offerings, saving on travel budget or perhaps a passport expired, virtual presenters can be an expected (or unexpected!) reality of any conference. We offer a simple add-on to our live rooms

You’re already planning a live conference.. How hard can be to add a hybrid component for an online audience? Actually, not as hard as you think. We offer simple solutions that work, with on-site team that operates both live and hybrid components

Red Tree AV Hybrid Conference Quote

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A Glimpse At Our Clients

We feel grateful to work with such wonderful people and organizations.

An excellent supplier for our web based conferences. A very pleasant stress free experience.

Celia Degrave
